Editor & Webmaster Resources
If your club elects or appoints an editor, it is the editor’s responsibility to create
periodic publications, newsletters or other communications to inform your members about events, important dates and board activities. The club newsletter reminds members about club activities and motivates them to participate.
- Upcoming meetings, service projects, social activities and Kiwanis family activities.
- Important dates or deadlines for project/event sign-ups.
- District, division and international events.
- Board actions.
- Names of new members.
You may want to liven up the newsletter by encouraging members to submit their own photos and stories, including interesting articles from other publications and highlighting other campus activities.
A good newsletter will motivate members who have not been attending club meetings to participate in club projects. When designing the newsletter, be creative, but keep it simple. You can use the CKI brand guide to ensure consistent design. Developing newsletters can be time-consuming; make sure that your design doesn’t distract from the newsletter’s content. The distribution of the newsletter is to be done via email or posted onto the club’s website.
Live to Serve, Love to Serve
CKI is committed to developing leaders by offering unique service, leadership and fellowship opportunities that not only change the world but change members’ lives.