
Our Annual Events

New York Speaking

Fall Event
New York Speaking is our Fall event, which usually occurs in early November. This event is focused on Circle K’s fellowship tenant. So get ready for a fun-filled weekend of bonding with Circle K members from all over New York state! We will have informational and fun workshops, service, a large fellowship event, and more throughout the weekend!

District Convention

Spring Event
District Convention is our Spring event which usually occurs in March. This event is focused on Circle K’s leadership tenant. Throughout the weekend there will be a ton of great workshops given by fellow members, networking opportunities, fellowship and more! This is also the convention at which we vote on the district editor, treasurer, secretary, and governor!! Throughout the weekend we will also be giving out awards to recognize the hard work of our clubs and members.

Kiwanis Family Picnic

Family Event
The Kiwanis Family Picnic is an opportunity for all the Kiwanis branches, particularly Circle K, Key Club, and Kiwanis, to get together, have fun, and raise money! Every year, at the picnic, we raise money for one of the New York Kiwanis Foundations: Kamp Kiwanis, the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center, and the Pediatric Lyme Disease Center.

International Convention

Summer Event
The Circle K International Convention is much like our District Convention, except it involves Circle K members from across the globe. The international convention usually occurs in July and takes place in a different city every year. The convention is also 3-4 days long and chock full of workshops, service, and fellowship. We have also been having conventions at the same place and time as Kiwanis and have access to all of their workshops, keynote speaker(s), and exhibitors. The international convention is also where we vote for international officers such as the international president, vice president, and trustees, as well as give out awards.

Live to Serve, Love to Serve

Join College Students All Across the Globe

CKI is committed to developing leaders by offering unique service, leadership and fellowship opportunities that not only change the world but change members’ lives.